When you become a mother, your children come first, as it should be. They do, always. We love our child (ren) with everything in us. Everything we do for our children, we do it with their best interest at heart. But, when becoming a mother, it can make it very easy to forget that you have to take care of yourself, TOO. Have your best interest in mind TOO. Something I learned when becoming a stay at home mom was that you HAVE to MAKE time for yourself. Even if that means just 10 minutes a day. I get on the blog and write. That is my "me" time. But your 10 minutes of "me" time doesn't even have to be a hobby! Take a bath, read a book, draw, listen to some music, wear something cute, put on something extra comfy, paint your nails, put on some makeup, meditate, or go sit silently in prayer. I know as mothers, it is so hard to "take time" for yourself. That is why I am here to challenge you ALL to MAKE the time. Ten minutes a day. A 10 minute...
Living the best, most blessed life...